SAVI Dual Migraine Therapy For Healthcare Professionals

Mechanism of Action
Quieting the Migraine Storm

SAVI Dual is the only FDA cleared central neuromodulation therapy for both acute and preventive treatment in patients 12 and older. Patients are encouraged to treat migraine attacks early at the first sign of pain or symptoms. For your patients with frequent migraine, daily treatment has been shown to significantly reduce the number of migraine days.

The safety of non-invasive Single Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (STMS) and low frequency magnetic pulses (MRI) has been well established over decades of clinical use. Magnetic fields pass painlessly through bone and tissue to the cortex of the brain to quiet the hyperactivity associated with migraine. SAVI Dual treatments are about half the strength of a typical MRI with much shorter duration. A single SAVI Dual pulse is delivered in less than a second.

How to prescribe SAVI Dual Migraine Therapy

2 Fax form to FAX: 1-877-264-1818, or email to
Fax form to FAX: 1-877-264-1818, or email to
3 eNeura ships SAVI Dual directly to your patient
eNeura ships SAVI Dual directly to your patient

Monitor patient improvement

The SAVI Smart Diary™ automatically uploads your patient’s treatment history to a cloud-based HIPAA compliant diary.

  • Allows you and your patients to monitor migraine patterns and treatment progress
  • Work with your patients to personalize treatment programs and optimize overall well-being
  • Provides important information to support insurance coverage

Suggested Treatment Protocols

SAVI Dual is a dual migraine therapy. Your patients can treat a migraine attack, and with daily treatment prevent future attacks.  SAVI Dual is so well-tolerated patients are encouraged to treat to effect. There are plenty of pulses available for you and your patient to work together to optimize treatment effect.

For acute treatment patients are encouraged to treat with up to 4 sequential pulses at the earliest indication of an attack. After a brief pause if they do not experience adequate symptom relief they can treat again as needed.

For prevention, patients are encouraged to treat with up to  4 pulses twice daily.  Like most preventive migraine therapy, efficacy builds over time.

Optimize Treatment Effect

As with most migraine therapy, efficacy of central neuromodulation builds over time.  Patients should adhere to a treatment protocol for at least 3 months before adjusting therapy.

Important Safety Information

The most commonly reported device related adverse events: lightheadedness (3.7%), tingling (3.2%), and tinnitus (3.2%) these typically resolve immediately after treatment. There have been no serious adverse events reported.

SAVI Dual is contraindicated for patients with conductive metal implants in the head and neck, or any other implanted medical device that stimulates the body or uses signals from the body.  Excludes dental work. MRI protocols may be a reasonable guide in assessing the safety of SAVI Dual in patients with metal implants in the head and neck.